我用的filebeat7来收集日志发给Elastic search,版本是7.1.1,对应的elasticsearch版本和其相同。

默认的,filebeat生成的索引名字是filebeat-7.1.1-2019.06.24这种,不利于区分不同的业务,需要自定义索引,看了下官方文档, 是这么写的

The index name to write events to. The default is "filebeat-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}" (for example, "filebeat-7.2.0-2019-06-26"). If you change this setting, you also need to configure the setup.template.name and setup.template.pattern options (see Load the Elasticsearch index template).

If you are using the pre-built Kibana dashboards, you also need to set the setup.dashboards.index option (see Load the Kibana dashboards).

You can set the index dynamically by using a format string to access any event field. For example, this configuration uses a custom field, fields.log_type, to set the index:

  hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
  index: "%{[fields.log_type]}-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}" 


    hosts: [""]
    index: "ngerr-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
setup.template.name: "ngerr"
setup.template.pattern: "ngerr-*"


2019-06-26T13:11:20.287+0800    INFO    pipeline/output.go:95   Connecting to backoff(elasticsearch(
2019-06-26T13:11:20.294+0800    INFO    elasticsearch/client.go:734     Attempting to connect to Elasticsearch version 7.1.1
2019-06-26T13:11:20.379+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:223      Auto ILM enable success.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.380+0800    INFO    [index-management.ilm]  ilm/std.go:134  do not generate ilm policy: exists=true, overwrite=false
2019-06-26T13:11:20.380+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:238      ILM policy successfully loaded.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.380+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:361      Set setup.template.name to '{filebeat-7.1.1 {now/d}-000001}' as ILM is enabled.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.380+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:366      Set setup.template.pattern to 'filebeat-7.1.1-*' as ILM is enabled.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.380+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:400      Set settings.index.lifecycle.rollover_alias in template to {filebeat-7.1.1 {now/d}-000001} as ILM is enabled.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.380+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:404      Set settings.index.lifecycle.name in template to {filebeat-7.1.1 map[policy:{"phases":{"hot":{"actions":{"rollover":{"max_age":"30d","max_size":"50gb"}}}}}]} as ILM is enabled.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.383+0800    INFO    template/load.go:129    Template already exists and will not be overwritten.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.383+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:272      Loaded index template.
2019-06-26T13:11:20.524+0800    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:283      Write alias successfully generated.

{filebeat-7.1.1 {now/d}-000001} 这个名字总是会覆盖我自己的配置。反复尝试,觉得是 ILM 这个东西在作梗,于是试着搜索了下“filebeat ILM is enabled”,发现了这个issue ,有不少人踩坑了。提出issue的人也指出了文档没有说清楚。



Starting with version 7.0, Filebeat uses index lifecycle management by default when it connects to a cluster that supports lifecycle management. Filebeat loads the default policy automatically and applies it to any indices created by Filebeat.



setup.ilm.enabled: false
